R Dataset / Package DAAG / socsupport
November 27, 2023
On this R-data statistics page, you will find information about the socsupport data set which pertains to Social Support Data. The socsupport data set is found in the DAAG R package. You can load the socsupport data set in R by issuing the following command at the console data("socsupport"). This will load the data into a variable called socsupport. If R says the socsupport data set is not found, you can try installing the package by issuing this command install.packages("DAAG") and then attempt to reload the data with the library() command. If you need to download R, you can go to the R project website. You can download a CSV (comma separated values) version of the socsupport R data set. The size of this file is about 11,652 bytes.
Social Support Data
Data from a survey on social and other kinds of support.
This data frame contains the following columns:
- gender
a factor with levels
- age
age, in years, with levels
- country
a factor with levels
- marital
a factor with levels
- livewith
a factor with levels
- employment
a factor with levels
employed fulltime
,employed part-time
,govt assistance
,parental support
- firstyr
a factor with levels
first year
- enrolment
a factor with levels
- emotional
summary of 5 questions on emotional support availability
- emotionalsat
summary of 5 questions on emotional support satisfaction
- tangible
summary of 4 questions on availability of tangible support
- tangiblesat
summary of 4 questions on satisfaction with tangible support
- affect
summary of 3 questions on availability of affectionate support sources
- affectsat
summary of 3 questions on satisfaction with affectionate support sources
- psi
summary of 3 questions on availability of positive social interaction
- psisat
summary of 3 questions on satisfaction with positive social interaction
- esupport
summary of 4 questions on extent of emotional support sources
- psupport
summary of 4 questions on extent of practical support sources
- supsources
summary of 4 questions on extent of social support sources (formerly, socsupport)
Score on the Beck depression index (summary of 21 questions)
Melissa Manning, Psychology, Australian National University
attach(socsupport)not.na <- apply(socsupport[,9:19], 1, function(x)!any(is.na(x))) ss.pr1 <- princomp(as.matrix(socsupport[not.na, 9:19]), cor=TRUE) pairs(ss.pr1$scores[,1:3]) sort(-ss.pr1$scores[,1])# Minus the largest value appears first pause()not.na[36] <- FALSE ss.pr <- princomp(as.matrix(socsupport[not.na, 9:19]), cor=TRUE) summary(ss.pr)# Examine the contribution of the components pause()# We now regress BDI on the first six principal components: ss.lm <- lm(BDI[not.na] ~ ss.pr$scores[, 1:6], data=socsupport) summary(ss.lm)$coef pause()ss.pr$loadings[,1] plot(BDI[not.na] ~ss.pr$scores[ ,1], col=as.numeric(gender), pch=as.numeric(gender),xlab ="1st principal component", ylab="BDI") topleft <- par()$usr[c(1,4)] legend(topleft[1], topleft[2], col=1:2, pch=1:2, legend=levels(gender))
Dataset imported from https://www.r-project.org.