R Dataset / Package Ecdat / Schooling
November 27, 2023
On this R-data statistics page, you will find information about the Schooling data set which pertains to Wages and Schooling . The Schooling data set is found in the Ecdat R package. You can load the Schooling data set in R by issuing the following command at the console data("Schooling"). This will load the data into a variable called Schooling. If R says the Schooling data set is not found, you can try installing the package by issuing this command install.packages("Ecdat") and then attempt to reload the data with the library() command. If you need to download R, you can go to the R project website. You can download a CSV (comma separated values) version of the Schooling R data set. The size of this file is about 392,559 bytes.
Wages and Schooling
a cross-section from 1976
number of observations : 3010
observation : individuals
country : United States
A dataframe containing :
- smsa66
lived in smsa in 1966 ?
- smsa76
lived in smsa in 1976 ?
- nearc2
grew up near 2-yr college ?
- nearc4
grew up near 4-yr college ?
- nearc4a
grew up near 4-year public college ?
- nearc4b
grew up near 4-year private college ?
- ed76
education in 1976
- ed66
education in 1966
- age76
age in 1976
- daded
dads education (imputed avg if missing)
- nodaded
dads education imputed ?
- momed
mothers education
- nomomed
moms education imputed ?
- momdad14
lived with mom and dad at age 14 ?
- sinmom14
single mom at age 14 ?
- step14
step parent at age 14 ?
- south66
lived in south in 1966 ?
- south76
lived in south in 1976 ?
- lwage76
log wage in 1976 (outliers trimmed)
- famed
mom-dad education class (1-9)
- black
black ?
- wage76
wage in 1976 (raw, cents per hour)
- enroll76
enrolled in 1976 ?
- kww
the kww score
- iqscore
a normed IQ score
- mar76
married in 1976 ?
- libcrd14
library card in home at age 14 ?
- exp76
experience in 1976
National Longitudinal Survey of Young Men (NLSYM) .
Card, D. (1995) Using geographical variation in college proximity to estimate the return to schooling in Christofides, L.N., E.K. Grant and R. Swidinsky (1995) Aspects of labour market behaviour : essays in honour of John Vanderkamp, University of Toronto Press, Toronto .
Verbeek, Marno (2004) A Guide to Modern Econometrics, John Wiley and Sons, chapter 5.
See Also
, Index.Economics
, Index.Econometrics
, Index.Observations
Dataset imported from https://www.r-project.org.
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