R Dataset / Package wooldridge / discrim
November 27, 2023
On this R-data statistics page, you will find information about the discrim data set which pertains to discrim. The discrim data set is found in the wooldridge R package. You can load the discrim data set in R by issuing the following command at the console data("discrim"). This will load the data into a variable called discrim. If R says the discrim data set is not found, you can try installing the package by issuing this command install.packages("wooldridge") and then attempt to reload the data with the library() command. If you need to download R, you can go to the R project website. You can download a CSV (comma separated values) version of the discrim R data set. The size of this file is about 139,843 bytes.
Data loads lazily. Type data(discrim) into the console.
A data.frame with 410 rows and 37 variables:
psoda. price of medium soda, 1st wave
pfries. price of small fries, 1st wave
pentree. price entree (burger or chicken), 1st wave
wagest. starting wage, 1st wave
nmgrs. number of managers, 1st wave
nregs. number of registers, 1st wave
hrsopen. hours open, 1st wave
emp. number of employees, 1st wave
psoda2. price of medium soday, 2nd wave
pfries2. price of small fries, 2nd wave
pentree2. price entree, 2nd wave
wagest2. starting wage, 2nd wave
nmgrs2. number of managers, 2nd wave
nregs2. number of registers, 2nd wave
hrsopen2. hours open, 2nd wave
emp2. number of employees, 2nd wave
compown. =1 if company owned
chain. BK = 1, KFC = 2, Roy Rogers = 3, Wendy's = 4
density. population density, town
crmrte. crime rate, town
state. NJ = 1, PA = 2
prpblck. proportion black, zipcode
prppov. proportion in poverty, zipcode
prpncar. proportion no car, zipcode
hseval. median housing value, zipcode
nstores. number of stores, zipcode
income. median family income, zipcode
county. county label
lpsoda. log(psoda)
lpfries. log(pfries)
lhseval. log(hseval)
lincome. log(income)
ldensity. log(density)
NJ. =1 for New Jersey
BK. =1 if Burger King
KFC. =1 if Kentucky Fried Chicken
RR. =1 if Roy Rogers
Dataset imported from https://www.r-project.org.