R Dataset / Package wooldridge / loanapp
November 27, 2023
On this R-data statistics page, you will find information about the loanapp data set which pertains to loanapp. The loanapp data set is found in the wooldridge R package. You can load the loanapp data set in R by issuing the following command at the console data("loanapp"). This will load the data into a variable called loanapp. If R says the loanapp data set is not found, you can try installing the package by issuing this command install.packages("wooldridge") and then attempt to reload the data with the library() command. If you need to download R, you can go to the R project website. You can download a CSV (comma separated values) version of the loanapp R data set. The size of this file is about 370,913 bytes.
Data loads lazily. Type data(loanapp) into the console.
A data.frame with 1989 rows and 59 variables:
occ. occupancy
loanamt. loan amt in thousands
action. type of action taken
msa. msa number of property
suffolk. =1 if property in suffolk co.
appinc. applicant income, $1000s
typur. type of purchaser of loan
unit. number of units in property
married. =1 if applicant married
dep. number of dependents
emp. years employed in line of work
yjob. years at this job
self. =1 if self employed
atotinc. total monthly income
cototinc. coapp total monthly income
hexp. propose housing expense
price. purchase price
other. other financing, $1000s
liq. liquid assets
rep. no. of credit reports
gdlin. credit history meets guidelines
lines. no. of credit lines on reports
mortg. credit history on mortgage paym
cons. credit history on consumer stuf
pubrec. =1 if filed bankruptcy
hrat. housing exp, percent total inc
obrat. other oblgs, percent total inc
fixadj. fixed or adjustable rate?
term. term of loan in months
apr. appraised value
prop. type of property
inss. PMI sought
inson. PMI approved
gift. gift as down payment
cosign. is there a cosigner
unver. unverifiable info
review. number of times reviewed
netw. net worth
unem. unemployment rate by industry
min30. =1 if minority pop. > 30percent
bd. =1 if boarded-up val > MSA med
mi. =1 if tract inc > MSA median
old. =1 if applic age > MSA median
vr. =1 if tract vac rte > MSA med
sch. =1 if > 12 years schooling
black. =1 if applicant black
hispan. =1 if applicant Hispanic
male. =1 if applicant male
reject. =1 if action == 3
approve. =1 if action == 1 or 2
mortno. no mortgage history
mortperf. no late mort. payments
mortlat1. one or two late payments
mortlat2. > 2 late payments
chist. =0 if accnts deliq. >= 60 days
multi. =1 if two or more units
loanprc. amt/price
thick. =1 if rep > 2
white. =1 if applicant white
Dataset imported from https://www.r-project.org.