Passed the AWS AIF-C01 exam
December 28, 2024
Today, I passed the AWS AIF-C01 exam. That’s the one for artificial intelligence at the practitioner level. My computer science training at UIUC helped me alot for understanding concepts like tokens and recall. I had to refresh my memory about F1 scores, logistic regression, and linear regression from statistics at WVU too. It was a challenging exam. Much more difficult than the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam which didn’t require any concepts from computer science. If I remember correctly, the Cloud Pracitioner exam covered topics mostly from AWS Services, like what is EC2 and Route 53. With the AI Practitioner you needed to know things like mean squared error, temperature, and the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm.
A great way to level-up my knowledge of AI concepts was the training the official AWS Skillbuilder site. The free AI training courses there covered many of the topics I saw and I highly recommend the tutorials found there. I don’t think I could have passed without them. It included almost everything I needed to review. Oh, there is a subscription based practice exam similar to what is found on the real exam. Currently, the price of the subscription is $30 per month. That was the only reason I needed to get a paid subsciption. AWS also featured an AWS video game called Escape Room that includes some prep questions.
The certification is only good for 3 years, so to help me study again I created a bookmark gist of AWS Services that might appear on the AIF-C01 exam. You can find them on Github.