Picostat Endings

July 18, 2018

I used to have a number of R Datasets available for download and visual inspection. They were cloned from the datasets found in R, and I created Slickgrid-enabled webpages out of the data for easy inspection. I also added support for dataset management and basic statistical operations. At one point there were 3,000 visitors to the site every month.

The project was a part of Quadstat and Picostat which has since been dismantled, perhaps indefinitely. Information on the opensource version of Picostat can be found on Drupal. There you can find documentation on how to configure and manage a Drupal 8-based Quadstat image. You can create your own statistical applications with R as the backend.

If you find the datasets useful, you can star the Github repository above or contribute to the R project. After 15 years, I'm not planning on developing the project anymore. I learned alot about programming from Quadststat and Picostat and started my freelancing career on Upwork thanks to skills I learned.

Picostat had a little bit of everything. JavaScript, PHP, AWS MySQL, Git, and even Linux. If anyone is thinking about switching careers to software engineering, I highly recommend starting your own website development project. You'll have a lot of fun and practice your skills with the tools of the trade. Getting a degree in computer science would help your prospects of landing that first job, but I've known many people without a degree in computers make a living in IT. I believe right now the field is so undersaturated that finding a steady hand is hard to come by.

It's certainly possible to make a living on Upwork freelancing. Over a 5 year period, I've made more than six figures working part-time. Although I didn't start from scratch: I did have education so that certainly helps but is not required.